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The koala, sometimes called the koala bear, is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia.

It is the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are the wombats.

Top 10 facts about Koalas

Koala means 'no drink' ... They have a specialist diet comprising of poisonous leaves. ... They live in one of the driest continents in the world. ... A Koala is the only surviving member of its family. ... They share more common features with kangaroos than true bears. ... They don't live in social groups.

Koalas feed primarily on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. One of the most important factors influencing the distribution and numbers of koalas in any area is the presence and density of their food tree species. Koalas feed almost exclusively on a few preferred tree species which are of primary and secondary importance

AKF estimates in 2022 there are between 32,065 and 57,920 Koalas left in the wild. The Australian Government claims there are 407,500 Koalas left in the wild

Koalas Have Fingerprints. In fact, they're the only animals other than primates that have them�and just like us, each one is an individual. They also have unique patterns on their noses, which helps wildlife biologists to identify and track them

What do koalas do all day?

Most of a koala's day is spent snoozing in the treetops. Because eucalyptus leaves are so low in nutrients and take a lot of time to digest, koalas need to sleep between 18 and 22 hours a day to conserve their energy

What do 90% of koalas have?

Chlamydia is a major threat to koala populations across Australia. This bacterial disease infects between 20% and 90% of individuals in koala populations. It's a major cause of the rapid decline of many wild populations, particularly in South-East Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Can koalas swim?

Although koalas can swim, if there are no assisted ways for a koala to climb out they will eventually drown. Keep dogs inside or tethered in your backyard.A tight pool cover a koala proof pool fence, or a pool with a beach access.